“One of boys mentioned to me – he says, ‘Hey pops, they’re talking about you for Cable,’ and I said ‘Who would that be?’ and so he Googled him for me and I saw him and I thought ‘Oh wow, he’s cool.’"
“Yes, I’m there. [Laughter] Sure, why not. I’d be happy to. You read it all, everything that comes across. And if it makes sense, if it’s a cool character, if it’s a theme you want to explore…sure.”
There had been talk that 20th Century Fox wanted to use Cable in future films.Yet it doesn't seem like he'll be in Deadpool, X-Men First Class or even Wolverine 2. I have to assume their plans involve a solo film. Lang is apart of the biggest film of all time and it just happened to be from Fox. If we were ever going to see Stephen Lang kick-ass in his own film Cable would be it. New Mutants is one film that Fox is trying to develop and Cable was it's leader. It just depends if they want to make another X-Men clone or something more in the realm of a futuristic science fiction superhero film.
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