Also yesterday Feige was involved with a live chat on HeroComplex (LATimes) which was to promote the release of the new Thor trailer. Where the producer dished on tidbits of future projects and answered fans questions. Even Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier dropped by to say hi. I was luckily enough to join this chat yet it was beyond crowded and laggy.
Kevin gave confirmation that The Avengers' Iron Man armor will see an evolution similar to the different suits in Iron Man 2. Giving me the impression the Hulk Buster suit is an option.
"Joss would kill me if I gave anything away, but I will say that the evolution you saw his armor take in IM2 will continue in The Avengers."
One of the biggest admissions of Kevin is confirmation that Marvel Studios has indeed got the rights back for The Punisher. A Frank Castle show is being rumored to be setup at HBO for a hardcore violent series. He doesn't comment on where we'll see Frank next. Kevin does mention how the Blade franchise had been a successful group of R-themed films.
"Punisher's back in house, and various plans are in the works."
He even spoke on the possibilities of bringing Moon Knight to life. Knight had been set to become a TV series but it ultimately didn't happen. The vigilante hero is one of the most complex in the Marvel roster living the life of cab driver, playboy, mercenary and mystical vigilante.
"Moonknight's a challenging, but extremely interesting character. We've been discussing various versions of it for years."
Kevin briefly confirmed projects in the works like Black Panther, Iron Fist and his love/hope for a Dr. Strange movie. He also talked Luke Cage and his love interest Jessica Jones, it's one of few times he's brought up the Luke Cage project. Liking everyone's support for Isaiah Mustafa (Old Spice Guy) to play Cage. He also gave an update on the progress of Edgar Wright's Ant-Man.
"Edgar was here a few days ago. He's already working on the next draft."
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