Pope Beatifies John Paul II In Rome Before 1.5 Million Catholics In St. Peter's Square

Pope Benedict XVI beatified Pope John Paul II before 1.5 million faithful in St. Peter’s Square and surrounding streets Sunday, moving the beloved former pontiff one step closer to possible sainthood in one of the largest turnouts ever for a Vatican Mass.

Blessed John Paul II, Pray for us

Pilgrims waving flags from Poland, Spain Germany and Brazil filled the Circus Maximus, which twinkled with the light of thousands of candles as choirs from John Paul's native Poland, the Philippines and Italy sang. They listened as a French nun who suffered from Parkinson's recounted how she was cured after praying to John Paul, who also battled the same disease.

The ceremony, which began under grey skies but ended in a blaze of sunshine, was attended by cardinals, the representatives of five royal families, including the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, and 16 heads of state.

Official Beatification image of the newly Blessed Pope John Paul II

The blood relic of the Blessed Pope John Paul II


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