An Overview Of The New Django Candidates

When it comes to a Quentin Tarantino film it can launch careers and earn industry awards for it's actors. Relatively unknown actors like Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Fassbender, Melanie Laurent and Christoph Waltz were given prime roles rising their profiles. He's also known to resurrect careers such as with John Travolta, Pam Gier, David Carradine and Robert Forester. Django Unchained looks to be one of Quentin's most controversial film yet as the spaghetti western homage will focus on America's era of slavery.

While it seems three of the major roles could be filled by Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. The lead role of freed slave Django might be the second meatiest part in the film. Django is on a mission to save his wife from Calvin Candie (DiCaprio) and his horrific Candyland. The Missouri club pits male slaves in death matches while the women are used as sexual playthings. A German dentist turned bounty hunter agrees to help Django get his wife back and enact revenge on Candie, if he assists him on a few missions first. It's been reported that Will Smith, Idris Elba, Jamie Foxx and Chris Tucker are in the running for the role.

Will Smith was originally linked for the role and had been willing to take a paycut. Those talks seem to have broken down as others are now being mentioned. Smith is an odd actor taking little risks with his film roles and it's not suprising as he's a major money maker. If anything I would compare casting Smith in the role as casting Brad Pitt in the role of Aldo in Basterds. I think Smith has a other projects to be concerned about as Men In Black 3 is in production and is likely to need reshoots. Along with possible roles in The Wachowskis' Hood and Bad Boys 3.

Jamie Foxx has a lot of acting pedigree like Smith as he earned an Oscar for Ray and has had solid career of dramatic, action and comedic roles. Foxx could be the one the studio wants as he might not be asking as much as Smith and could be an easy road to awards consideration. As Jamie is the most well known actor of the new candidates.

Chris Tucker is also very well known internationally but hasn't made a film since Rush Hour 3 (2007). The upside is that Tucker has worked with Quentin previously on Jackie Brown. This very well could be a resurrection of sorts for Tucker as he's been out of the spotlight. A couple of years ago I wouldn't say Chris could fit this role but he's drastically changed psychically. Going from the tall/lanky Tucker from Rush Hour and Friday to a rather bulky guy. If he doesn't land the lead I hope he ends up in another role in the film.

Idris Elba is about to blowup as he's been praised for his television work on The Wire and Luther. Along with excellent supporting roles in films like RockNRolla, Thor, 28 Weeks Later and American Gangster. He reminds me of where Michael Fassbender was in his career when he was cast in Inglourious Basterds. Idris has been a favorite of many people for the role so I'm sure that's been taken into consideration. Hopefully Elba starts the transition to leading man sooner than later. The only problem is that he is also in talks for Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim which will likely conflict with the shooting schedule of Django.


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