Sly Stallone recently told Empire that he was finished with Rambo and would never return. I was slightly disappointed yet also relieved because the last film accomplished enough. Now there is a big commotion over the fact Nu Image/Millennium Films is still promoting Rambo 5 at Cannes. The promo cards found by SlashFilm obviously have Sly on the front and the release date of 2011 on the back. Stallone chimed in with AICN and said he has nothing to do with the project. The expectation is that the studio will recast or even reboot the franchise. The studio is already rebooting Conan which was the iconic role of Arnold Schwarzenegger, so it's not unbelievable. I'm curious how the two sides are working this out. Considering, Sly also worked with them for his new film The Expendables which I assume will lead to at least one sequel. Hopefully with Stallone teaming up with Willis and Schwarzenegger. I can understand why Sly wants move aside from Rambo but I'm open for more films as long as the quality is still there.
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