Thor Marvel Wallpaper - Did Thor Absolutely Die During Fear Itself?

Thor Marvel Wallpaper - Did Thor Absolutely Die During Fear Itself?

(This commodity contains spoilers)

It's addition post-Fear Itself commodity I'm afraid, this time absorption on the contempo afterlife of Thor. For those that apprehend Marvel's summer accident Fear Itself, Thor sacrificed himself to defeat his uncle, The Serpent, who is absolutely the God of Fear. Anybody knows deaths in banana books are never permanent, so how can we apprehend Thor to acknowledgment in time for abutting summer's Avengers movie?

It was appear during the contempo Fear Itself #7.2 one-shot that a new God of Thunder accepted as Tanuras has replaced Thor. Little is accepted about this new God of Thunder so far, except that afterwards Thor's funeral, bewitched affairs accept seemed to accomplish everyone, but Loki accept Tanuras was consistently the God of Thunder. Area does this leave Thor? He was aftermost apparent in a accompaniment of limbo, which makes me accept he'll be aback abutting year to accost his role as the God of Thunder.

There are abounding means Thor can be brought back. My approach is that Steve Rogers wielding Mjolnir in Fear Itself #7 bares added acceptation than we thought. Afterwards all, whoever holds the bang is meant to apply the ability of Thor, so is Rogers the key to the Odinson's return? Comicvine ran an absorbing commodity on Gods in comics actuality above the abstraction of death. That they are depicted as authentic energy, and anybody knows activity cannot be destroyed. Will it aloof booty some acceptance from bodies to approach the activity bare to accompany Thor back?

What happens back Thor does acknowledgment though? Will Tanuras aloof move over and let Thor accost his position? With the absoluteness about-face in effect, will anyone alike bethink Thor? This would beggarly Loki would be the alone one with the ability of what absolutely happened authoritative his newfound chastity alike added interesting. I can see Thor demography on an Avengers aggregation blind of who is absolutely is with Loki tasked to set things right. This should accomplish the Thor and Loki activating alike added interesting. Since Loki was adored as a adolescent boy, his assuming has bigger drastically. This is by far, the best delineation of the God of Mischief yet.

I'm absolutely absorbed to see area Matt Fraction is demography Thor. I'm awash on him back it comes to Tony Stark, but he is yet to win me over with the God of Thunder. This Tanuras adventure has absorbed me, and for already I can absolutely say I am aflame about area the contest of Fear Itself are demography Marvel. I'm attractive advanced to what should hopefully be a blockbuster year for the God of Thunder in 2012.

Thor Marvel Wallpaper - Did Thor Absolutely Die During Fear Itself?


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