Warner Bros. doesn't seem to want to wait and see how successful
Green Lantern will be next summer. The studio is already hard at work grinding out a script for the second film. It's been stated a few times this will be the first part in a trilogy. The assumption would be that both star Ryan Reynolds and director Martin Campbell have signed on for all three films. It's been rumored the two sequels will shoot back to back. Now from statements made by Ryan Reynolds when speaking with MTV the fledgling franchise could move on from Hal Jordon. Instead of focusing on the adventures of Jordon future films could follow the stories of fellow human lanterns Guy Gardner or Kyle Rayner.
"It's a pretty big universe and there's a lot to explore," Reynolds told MTV News about "Green Lantern's" sequel potential. "There's a lot to explore with Hal and without him. You could do a couple more movies with Hal, then you could move on to a movie with Guy Gardner or Kyle Rayner, any of those guys."
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