ShockTillYouDrop was able to speak to Simon Oakes from Hammer Films on future projects. He revealed plans on remaking both Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter and Quatermass. Oakes hints they would release in 2011/2012 respectfully. The resurrected horror house is already hard at work with The Resident and Let Me In which both will come out this yer. They will lso start production on film bsed on the novel The Woman In Black.
"Repurposing them. Doing a new Quatermass movie. Doing a new Kronos movie. Not remaking the same film with its log line the same, but saying, what would the Kronos movie of 2011 look like? Or Quatermass of 2012. "
The film is centered on Captain Kronos a sword wielding vampire hunter. While the new film will be set in modern times it could be very useful if Hammer looked to films like Fearless Vampire Killers as visual influences. While Hammer is best known for their stylistic films Kronos didn't really have the striking visual presence of Fearless. It's hard not to see some of the similarities between Kronos and Marvel's Blade. It could make for a very exciting remake if they push more in the action/horror realm. The nice thing about Kronos is that it didn't use Dracula in the film. When it could have easily overshadowed the hero.
Oakes also spoke in some detail on how cool Quatermass could be.
"What I love about Quatermass is that he was a government scientist and science is cool. Everyone is into science. So what would he be doing now? In the original Quatermass that Nigel Kneale and Val Guest created, he was sort of like a classic character like a Bourne or a Bond, who have two masters if you like, both of which are trying to f**k with his head. One, are his masters, which in the case of Bond is the CIA, or MI6 in Bond's case. And in the same token, the enemy - they're f**king with him, and they end up being this person who was sort of alone and that's what Quatermass was always like. He was always prescient. He was always ahead of his time. A lot of Tom Neil's Kneale's work was about the damaging of the environment. And he used the alien thing as a sort of metaphor for saying what we are doing to our planet. It's quite interesting I mean, I met him shortly before he died and I'm friendly with his widow and it's amazing. So there’s a lot of rich material in there that we can rethink, but the issues that he would be dealing with in 1957 compared to what they would be today, that’s the thing. That's where we have to use our imagination."
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