When director Bryan Singer jumped the X-Men ship to focus on Superman Returns many believed he would never return. Now with DC Entertainment's plans to reboot Superman after the underwhelming homage from Singer. It sounds like Singer understands he works best in the X-Men cinematic world he created. Bryan talked to HeroComplex hinting on future projects and even mentions key characters from his upcoming X-Men First Class.
Singer calls out young X-Men members we previously thought wouldn't make the prequel such as Beast, Cyclops and Jean Grey. I'm sure 20th Century Fox wanted to see known characters in the film. This could very well mean that we'll see younger actors playing both Xavier and Magneto.
"Just doing younger mutants is not enough. The story needs to be more than that. I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends -- to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies."
He recently had lunch with Hugh Jackman where he could have tried to coax Singer into directing a film. Possibly Wolverine 2 which was written by often collaborator of Singer's Christopher McQuarrie. It seems unlikely since Fox is eager to start it's early 2011 production date. Bryan could be too busy with Jack The Giant Killer's post-production to be ready for that date. I do however think this could be a better film for Singer.
Producer Lauren Shuler Donner also asked if Singer would be interested in making X4.
Singer turned to Shuler Donner and said of “X-Men 4″: “Hold that one off for just a little, I’m fixated on the other one right now.” She nodded and answered, “I will, I will … I’m holding it open with high hopes. It’s totally different [from 'First Class'] and it will be so interesting for you.”
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