I really enjoy cop dramas or just straight up police action films. I'm not sure what Brooklyn's Finest wanted to be be but it seems to be balancing on the edge of different genres. It did seem like the film was trying to be The Wire meets Training Day mixed with Crash. I'm not sure if it managed to pull off the reality of The Wire but it did deliver on the exploitation that Training Day had. It was surprising how good Richard Gere was playing the burn out cop. Ethan Hawke was almost unbearable to watch with his overacting which could have ruined the film. Don Cheadle was good but didn't really get enough time to develop his character. It's three story narration seemed to bog down the rest of the stories and characters. Street Kings might be similar but the weaker film, it did however mange to have one single serving story. I believe this film could have worked better if these cops interacted with each other. I recommend this for people who are fans of director Antoine Fuqua. If you liked Training Day you'll like this, even if it doesn't contain Denzel Washington's monster performance.
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